Tuesday, November 04, 2008

So much for study

Bought myself a tuxedo from Primark on Oxford Street on my way home last night - everything including a shirt and black tie was £42!!!!
What a bargain...

In no mood for study so I decided to fire up a couple of $10 matrix SNGs and a $50cash game. I was five-tabling which was far too much for little brain to cope with but managed to win about $60 all told - $20 on the cash game, and $20 more on each of the SNGs.
I placed 7 of the 8 tables, and won the $9 bonus for the most points on both.
The matrix games have really invigorated my game - I am happy with the buy-in and feel I can beat most players.
I sharkscope ones I think may be dangerous during play and am amazed how many seriously losing players there are.
If I was consistently losing that much I would give up.

The last game I was down to heads-up on three tables which was a bit much to be honest, which I why I think winning all four and scooping the whole pot is almost impossible.


United113 said...

Do you think the matrix games are set up right??? Getting 2 points for WINNING and the same for knocking another player out doesn't seem right to me.. Also if you sat out and got blinded away you'd get a load of points for lasting longer than other players?

United113 said...

Thanks for your comment!! I changed my view after reading your post and having another go..

I played a 6 seater $6 matrix and won 3 of the 4 tables in relative ease, and should have really had the 5th but busted in 3rd so i won $18.72 from a $6 + $0.25 entry. If you play a normal six seater game you get 1st or 2nd paid. Here it is likely you wil win some money, even if not the entire buy in for 1 table win si i actually like them now and will play more.

Hope you're ok