Monday, May 21, 2007

Decent weekend

I had a good weekend of poker - the first time I can say this in what feels like a long time!
My win-rate was not fantastic, but I felt in control, calm and made some really good plays.
I only played on Stars to take advantage of the double FPP points on offer and try and scoop some cash in their giveaways.
Played $25 and $50 NL, mainly three tabling, and won about $150 over the 2 days.
I was a new player so nobody had a read on me and I felt really good about my play.
I called down bluffs, made some bluffs, extracted maximum chips when I could and laid down some big hands.
I think the redeposit bonus and overlays on offer at the mo on Stars is making for some very juicy cash tables.
Lots of new Europeans who don't have a clue.
One thing I did pick up over the weekend that I've been thinking about - Eastern Europeans play TIGHT!
Having lived there for four years I know the average salary is rubbish and they are the biggest misers out there. The classic Czech family will think nothing of driving to Croatia with their boot packed full of food and not spend a penny when they're there on essentials.
Look at the Poles in the London, working 80 hours a week and spending NOTHING.
The Russians are gamblers, but the Czechs, Poles, Slovenians, Hungarians that I've been seeing on the site play super-tight.
If one re-raises you, think long and hard about calling.
In my experience, the western Euros, esp Scandis, play looser and their range is bigger.
This is a huge generalisation, but I truly believe that national characteristics make a difference when playing.


On Saturday I went very deep in a $8 rebuy tournie where I managed to get to the top 40 using only one rebuy and one add-on, when other players were buying in like crazy.
I thought I was on a for a big score but busted with Js v As against a similar stack just outside the payouts (135 paid, about 880 started).
I replayed that hand many times afterwards and I'm not sure I could have got away from it. Flop was low, foe was v aggressive, so it would have gone all-in whatever happened. Sometimes the luck is against you.


I'm seriously considering withdraw the rest of my stack in Neteller.
I have $750 now on Stars with $150 bonus pending, $250 on FullTilt and this is enough for me to play $25 NL and $50 NL, as well as buyinto some tourneys up to $30.
I have $2,100 left in Neteller and I'm SKINT! Sooo tempting.

OK, back to work, GL at the tables!

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