Thursday, August 03, 2006

The fall and rise of a bankroll

Poker is a strange beast. When you're running hot, it seems the easiest way to make money. But then the bad beats start and you wonder why you bother.
My roll on Party has reached a high of $450 and a low of $138, from a starting point of $295.
Over the course of the month I've learnt a valuable lesson: I'm rubbish at limit poker.
When I play low-level NL, I'm a winning player. Ditto for SNG and MTTs.
But the odd win on limit doesn't disguise the fact that I suck at the game.
The low point came a couple of weeks back after some serious tilting on $2/$4 Limit badbeat jackpot tables. And I shouldn't even be playing such high limits with my current bankroll.
Anyway, I've eeked it back up over the next few sessions and stand at around $250 again.
I honestly think part of my problem is that once I'm up I start relaxing, and end up losing pots I should never have been in in the first place.

Workwise, I have seven days left to go before I leave regional journalism for ever.
It will also mean I won't be playing as much poker, as moving to London means more hours at work and a longer commute.
But in the meantime, I still plan to play as much as poss until then.

Bye for now

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